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I'm not in Berlin. Can we still work together?Of course. I work with my clients in other parts of the world via Zoom.
Do you also work with couples?Yes and no. Generally I work 1:1, but there is the possibility for both of you to come separately and have an additional session together for a relationship balance. I will be happy to tell you more about this in the initial consultation.
Can I book a trial session?I offer the reality check so that you have the opportunity get to know me (1 hour) and then we both decide whether we feel comfortable with each other. Because only then can you embark on our journey together with determination. The transformative power of the commitment with which you enter the process cannot be underestimated! If you have the feeling after the first session that this is not for you or that you don't trust my offer, you will have the opportunity to cancel the journey. However, this is only possible after the very first session. Does that sound good to you? Then book your free reality check right here!
How much does it cost to have you support me in my process?If you say you're ready, and it's time, and something really needs to happen now - then I recommend you join the " Great journey to yourself" right away: 10 sessions of 90 minutes each 1 follow up session of 90 minutes Accompanying workbook Documentation of the individual sessions by email from me 1.900€ incl. VAT (payments in istallment is possible) Book your free call right now to learn more about this journey. If a smaller step feels more comfortable for you, then take the "small journey" with me: 4 sessions of 90 minutes each 700€ incl. VAT. Addition: If Tibetan energy work is calling you as a special path, I also offer this as individual sessions: Treatment 60 min (also possible as remote treatment) Pre- and post-treatment talk: approx. 10-15 min each 100€ incl. VAT. For targeted, separate emotion code and heart wall sessions: 1 session of 30-45 minutes 85€ incl. VAT.
How much time will I spend on the journey with you?There is no designated homework or assignments that you have to work on between sessions. It always makes sense to take some time for integration, reflection and documentation. In addition, there are occasional action steps to integrate new behaviours, the scope of which you determine yourself.
What if I am unavailable?Please cancel in time. If you cancel within less than 48 hours, you will have to pay the full amount for your session.
I only have little and irregular time. Can I still come?Sure, no problem. You can come once a week or at longer intervals, or just on demand. It doesn't have to be a fixed date. We'll find a solution.
How long will my process take?It varies greatly and of course depends on how you define your process, especially the completion. I believe that we are never finished growing and liberating ourselves - that would be boring. But we can work through our various issues up to a certain point, so that we have either solved them, or created relief, or perhaps they continue to resolve themselves from here. Issues can be sorted out in one phase and then show up again - perhaps on a different level - in a later phase of life. I have created the 10-week programme as the standard duration of the journey. A great deal can already be achieved in these 10 sessions. The programme also includes an 11th session as follow up with a bit of time in between, in which we evaluate whether anything else is needed, look back on your process, celebrate and see how things are going for you.
I want to get started right away. How quickly can I get a first appointment?This is usually possible within 10 days.
What does a session involve?Whether in person or online, we start with a few minutes of conversation, of settling in and tuning in to each other. It usually quickly becomes clear which particular issue is calling. We respond flexibly to whatever is on the agenda. The methods used also vary. For example, we may start a session by releasing trapped emotions, and you may then receive a Tibetan energy work treatment to complement your topic. At the end of the session, you will return to your day with new energy, energetic alignment and more lightness.
How do I know that this is right for me? How do I find out if you can help me with my situation?The fact that you have landed on my website and have read this far indicates that something is "calling" you here. You can easily find out whether it is the work with me and whether and how this will help you in a your free reality check. Here we will discuss your specific individual situation and clarify all your questions. You can book it here.
What happens if my issues change over time?This is then part of your process and of course also welcome.
When does it make sense to work with you?Do you recognise yourself in one or more of the following statements? Then YES! Let's get to know each other. Click here for your reality check. I am ready to take responsibility for my life and my creations, even the less glorious ones. I am looking to be braver and more authentic. I am ready to take action and implement steps that we agree on. I am open to change and curious about what I encounter along the path. I would like to trust my intuition and my decisions. I am worthy of investing time and money in my personal development and holistic health - for my own benefit and that of the people around me. I am eager to discover and resolve the connections between physical symptoms and emotional states. I want to finally unfold myself, expand, to take up my space and stop trying to fit in to please others. I function extremely well, but that can't be the end of the story. I do feel that there is still something slumbering inside me! I wish to follow my heart, even if I'm not yet sure what that means in actual reality. I want to finally address underlying causes holistically instead of just fixing symptoms. I want to bring my relationships into balance. I want to feel at peace deep inside, relaxed, at peace with myself. I would be so much further down the road if it weren't for my fear - of failure, of embarrassment, of rejection, of being seen. I already realise that everything is connected, that my past limits me, but I am confused and really need more clarity and support to free myself from this programming. I long for an even deeper connectedness, but something inside me just doesn't allow it. I recognise some of my patterns but have not yet managed to break through them on my own. I keep running into the same wall. In relationships, when I try to change something, when I want to establish new habits... Somehow my life is okay as it is, but I suspect there's more to it. If I were to really unpack myself. I wonder who would emerge? That also scares me. My current behaviour patterns are simply not good for me. And against my better judgement, I end up in them again and again... I finally want to be good to myself. Enough is enough! I no longer want to hide. Is anything resonating with you? Then click here now for our first conversation!
I would like to work exclusively with PSYCH-K® / TE® / Emotioncode®, i.e. only with one method. Is that possible?Yes, that is possible. Let's talk in person to clarify what this would look like in concrete terms. Book your free appointment easily and immediately here.
Are our conversations confidential?Legally, my work is not subject to confidentiality. For me, however, this is a fundamental duty under all circumstances.
Do I need to prepare for a session?No, come as you are. Together we create clarity. We'll see what's on the agenda.
Is there a health insurance reimbursement?No, unfortunately not.
You use different methods. How does that work?For me, it's a big magical toolbox with different compartments that I access intuitively. The methods complement and support each other. It's important to me that it's always clear where we are and that I don't mix or dilute anything. Each method remains clearly distinct and pure. Sometimes clients develop preferences, and of course I cater to these. I often use one or two different tools within a session.
Is there a free initial consultation?Absolutely! I'll dedicate an hour to you so that we can get to know each other and then both decide whether it's a good fit. You can book your appointment here.
Is it like therapy?No. My work is not a therapy and does not replace psychotherapeutic or medical treatment. It can be supportive and/or complementary.
Why is the preliminary consultation called a reality check?We ask these questions in the reality check: Where exactly are you now? What would you like instead? Where do you see your limitations? Where should the journey take you? How will we achieve this goal together? Does this path correspond with your vision? Does it feel right for you (and me)? All questions and uncertainties will be addressed so that we can then set off with clarity. Sounds good? Then book your appointment right here!
I have a job, children and little time. Can I still book you?If we can find a time slot between Monday and Friday, then yes. I don't offer appointments on weekends.
Can I book single sessions?I want to dive deep and your sustainable transformation is important to me. That's why I only offer individual sessions as an exception (TE treatments, Emotion Code sessions) and mainly with people I have been working with for a longer period of time. This does not mean that we cannot achieve a great deal in one session. However, you will be able to accomplish so much more over the course of several weeks. Just let us clarify your personal situation and vision, click here and book your reality check...
How quickly can I expect changes to occur?There is no general answer to this question, as it depends entirely on your initial situation. Often the first changes are immediately noticeable, sometimes subtle, sometimes obvious. Occasionally we fall back into old patterns. And this provides us with valuable clues to go even deeper (keyword: hidden gain). Impatience, high expectations, the fear of failure, limiting beliefs about change - these can be obstacles that may stand in our way and will therefore be integrated into the process. In your initial consultation, I can go into more detail about your situation. You can book it directly and free of charge here.
How long is a session?A session is 90 minutes long. (The only exception: I estimate 30-45 minutes for separate Emotioncode® sessions). It's a good idea to allow a little time afterwards so that you can process and integrate properly.
Do we also work on physical symptoms and issues?Yes! In my experience, everything is connected. Physical symptoms often provide access and additional clues to the issues. We can decode the messages they have in store for us and release trapped emotions that cause them.
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